
The following are links community members may find useful.

Let our  webmaster know of links that need updating or if you have a suggestion for an additional link.

Trash Collection

Trash Collection is every Tuesday
Call 311 for missed collection or to schedule bulk trash pick-up or submit and online request
Citizen Convenience Center at 2840 Sisson Street is our local waste and recycling center.
Baltimore City Department of Public Works


Recyclables are currently collected every other week. We are on the week A schedule and our pick-up day is Thursday.


City Services

Baltimore City 311 Services

Assists with a multitude of questions and are the agency to report non-urgent issues to.

Baltimore City 211 Services

Assists with a multitude of wellness questions such as mental health needs, rental assistance, food, utilities, disabilities, veterans, substance abuse.

First Responders

911 for Emergencies

311 for Non-Urgent

Police Station - Northern District

2201 West Cold Spring Lane
email: [email protected]

Baltimore City Fire Station

2 Upland Road



Baltimore City Board of Elections

Voting is at St David's Church @ 4700 Roland Avenue

City Council

Evergreen is in the 6th District

Sharon Middleton (D)

State House

Evergreen is in the 41st District


Jill P. Carter (D)


Dalya Attar (D)

Tony Bridges (D)

Samuel I. Rosenberg (D)

United States Congress


Evergreen is currently in the 3rd District.

John Sarbanes (D)

After the 2022 election will be in the 2nd District as a result of redistricting. The current 2nd District Congressman is C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger III (D).


Benjamin L. Cardin (D)

Christopher Van Hollen Jr. (D)

Post Office

Roland Park (closest)

732 Deepdene Road

Hamden (later pickup)

919 West 34th Street


Public Schools

Baltimore City Schools

Roland Park Elementary Middle School

Baltimore Polytechnic Institute / Western High School

Private Schools

Boys' Latin School of Maryland

Bryn Mawr School

Calvert School

The School of the Cathedral

Friends School-Baltimore

Gilman School

Redeemer Parish Day School

Roland Park Country School

Saint Davids Day School


Each local branch is part of the larger Enoch Pratt Free Library System:

Roland Avenue Branch (closest)

Hampden Branch


We have many places of worship nearby.

Bolton Hill Synagogue 

Roland Park Presbyterian Church

Jamaat al-Muslimeen

North Baltimore Mennonite Church

Cathedral of Mary Our Queen: 

St. Davis Church

St Andrew's Christian Community

North Baltimore Mennonite Church

City Church Presbyterian

University Parkway Church of Christ

Abundant Grace Baptist Church

Grace United Methodist Church

Jesuit Fathers & Brothers

Parks and Recreation

Lots of things to explore nearby. Here are some suggestions:

City Parks

Baltimore City Parks and Recreation

Cylburn Arboretum

Druid Hill Park


Baltimore Art Museum

Walters Art Museum

Evergreen Museum, Library and Mansion


Roland Park Community Foundation

Established to preserve, maintain, and improve parks, streams, squares, trees and other green spaces in our community.

Roland Park Pool