Evergreen Community Association
Welcome to Evergreen!
Whether you are new to the neighborhood, or have lived here forever, we offer practical resources, news, and our rich history as told in various stories.
Established in 1873, Evergreen is one of our city's oldest and loveliest neighborhoods. Lying in the heart of wooded North Baltimore, Evergreen sports a wealth of various architectural styles among our some 200 homes, and is within easy walking distance of unique shops, restaurants, religious houses, schools, and libraries.
To our East lies Stony Run and the Evergreen Meadow, an open green space saved from development by the extraordinary efforts of impassioned members of our community. One of our Association’s primary missions is the care and maintenance of the meadow, accomplished through a special fund and the labor of volunteers. We also participate in maintaining Stony Run Park which is a haven for foxes, owls, and deer.
Evergreen offers year round activities and celebrations, including picnics, Halloween events, Christmas caroling, arts and craft shows, street parties, and progressive dinners. We are fortunate to have the use of the beautiful Province center of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur for some of these events, as well as for our Association meetings.
Most importantly, we are a community of residents of all ages, with diverse backgrounds, professions, and ideas. People from all around our country and the world have come to Evergreen to make their homes. We have neighbors from places like the Netherlands, France, Uganda, Australia, and the Philippines, as well as those who were born in Evergreen and have loved it so much that they have remained here ever since.
This is your neighborhood. Thank you for being here.
Finn Lepski
President, Evergreen Community Association